Session 2 Recap -- Banditry and Burial Alcoves
Session 2 was played December 22, 2022 Today's Party: Father Klassen the Dwarf 1 (Josh) Shelby the Halfling 1 (Kip) Doris the Elf 1 (Marika) -Jonovan the torchbearer -Hymen the man-at-arms -Lowman the man-at-arms ### With Blueshirt ailing upstairs, and both Redshirt and Cromann out carousing, Shelby sat alone in the taproom of Hazel's Inn. At about eight o'clock, two new members of the adventurer's guild entered and awkwardly introduced themselves. They had been to Sir Ramekin's and been given the same speech, and it was agreed that the three of them would head to the Barrowmaze the next day. They had little else to talk about, so they went to bed, while the wild nightlife of Savoy raged on down in the town square. At daybreak, a little shopping was done, and the party descended again to the Barrowmoor. Their hike to barrow mound #12 and its infamous hole-in-the-ground entrance was uneventful. The adventurers noticed some odd spaces in their maps and decided to ...